‘River of Smoke’ is the second in a series of historical novels by Amitav Ghosh. The book deals with the period leading up to the Opium Wars in China in the early nineteenth century. That period of history is fascinating for today’s readers. Drugs were hopelessly entwined in the fabric of life then, just as they are now. The personal, political, and economic consequences of addiction were serious. The complexities of addiction are fascinating, and the connections between the personal and political realms are manifold. Our ‘War on Drugs’ has its antecedents in this earlier time, but at that time Westerners were playing the roles of merchants and drug lords. Profits were huge and the moral justifications elaborate and stretched thin. For these connections alone the book is a fascinating read.

Approach the book with an open mind. Don’t be put off by the dialects. Stick with it even if you’re a little confused. Read it aloud. Rejoice in the complexity. Enjoy.